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The Step-by-Step Process
of Purchasing Real Estate in France
This article will discuss the main steps involved in buying real estate in France, which, for the most part, is very straightforward and logical. This article is intended as a general overview of the process, and does not cover all the points that may be relevant to you.

Plan Ahead
Due to the way that real estate transactions are processed in France, you should expect at least three full months from signing the offer until to the closing when you will receive the keys. In rare cases it may be possible to finish the proceedings in two months, but three months is the most likely scenario.
The good news is that in most cases, your physical presence will be required only in the very beginning for visiting and choosing the property, and then signing the important first documents including the offer, the preliminary sale and purchase contract, and possibly a power of attorney (so that later on the closing can proceed without you) — all of which can be accomplished in as little as three weeks.
Prepare your budget. It must include not only the purchase price, but also the notaire's tax (droits d'enregistrement), which are usually 7-8 % of the purchase price for resale properties and 2,5% for new builds. You will find a helpful calculator on the official notaire's website here (Haute-Savoie is department 74).
Technical Reports
Before taking any steps of committing to the property, it is a good idea to review the technical survey reports that the seller is obligated to provide, including the DPE (energy performance report), electricity, gas if applicable, septic tank and/or sewer connection, asbestos (for properties built prior to 1997), lead (for properties built prior to 1949), termites and/or mold (in those departments where it is an identified problem). These diagnostics are the responsibility of the seller, are included as an attachment to the sale contract.
In France it is the seller's responsibility to provide these reports and the experts hired by the seller are considered independent and competent. There are no other reports than those already mentioned. There is no "building structure" report or "state of the roof" report.
The Offer
The purchase of real estate in France begins with the buyer's offer (offre d'achat).
Most often, the offer is a letter, signed by you, indicating the subject property, the price that you propose, and how you plan to finance the purchase (if seeking a bank loan, this would be a condition of completing the sale). A pre-printed form is often provided by the agent. The price proposed can be lower than the asking price and can reflect negotiation that has already taken place or that you are proposing.
It should be noted that sellers view more favorably those buyers who intend to pay in full and without a mortgage. This is because mortgage buyers have certain protections under the law, notably that they will have three months on average to seek a loan, and if their mortgage application is denied, they will have the right to cancel the sale without losing the deposit. As a result, sellers risk losing time and money, and potentially other buyers, if they commit to a mortgage-buyer. If you come to the negotiating table ready to pay in full, you will be in a much stronger position to negotiate.
The real estate agent will let you know whether the seller accepted your offer. Sometimes the seller will reject your offer and make a counter-offer with a different price.
If both sides have agreed, the next step is to sign the preliminary sale and purchase contract. Then, two to three months later, (or even longer, depending on the situation), the final contract of sale will be signed in front of the notaire. This two-step process for real estate sales in France is designed to give the notaire (the government agent who officiates the sale) enough time to prepare the necessary documents, and for the conditions, if any, to be completed, such as obtaining a bank loan. The actual "deed of sale" or "title" is the final signed contract, called "acte de vente", which is usually 20 or more pages in length.
The Preliminary Sale and Purchase Contract ("Compromis de Vente" or "Promesse de Vente")
There are two types of preliminary sale and purchase agreements in France — a promise to sell ("promesse de vente"), or a contract for sale ("compromis de vente"). The main difference is that the "promise" binds mostly the seller, while the "compromis" binds both parties. The notaire is usually accustomed to one or the other and there is no real worries about which one you will have, the purpose of these contracts is the same.
The preliminary sale and purchase contract is to be taken very seriously, as it obligates you to purchase the property, subject to any conditions that may be in the contract. After signing, you are entitled to a ten day "cooling off" period during which you can cancel the sale without any consequences, discussed further below.
To sign the preliminary contract, you will be invited join the seller (or his representative) at the real estate agency's office or, most commonly, at the notaire's office.
The contract is most often drafted by the notaire, and includes the technical survey reports as attachments.
At the time of signing, you will have to pay a certain amount of notaire's fees (usually a couple hundred euros) to begin the file, so come prepared with cash, checkbook, or card.
After signing the contract, a copy will be sent by recorded delivery mail. Under the law you will have 10 days from receipt to cancel the sale without losing your deposit (which will be sent back to you). It should be noted is that the 10 day period does not apply in some cases when purchasing a building plot or if the purchase is made by a French property company (SCI), but often notaires will allow you to insert this clause into the contract anyway. During these 10 days, if you decide to proceed with the sale, you must wire the deposit into an escrow account of the real estate agent or notaire (most common).
After the sale and purchase contract has been signed, the notaire will need 30 to 90 days to check that the transaction conforms to all legal norms and requirements (such as establishing proper title to the property and rights over the property), after which an appointment will be made for signing the final deed of sale in front of the notaire.
Deed of Sale (Acte de Vente)
An appointment will be scheduled with the notaire for signing the deed of sale (acte de vente) between the seller and buyer in front of the notaire. This effectuates the legal transfer of the property.
There is no requirement to be present during the final signing if you have previously designated a representative (who can be, for example, the real estate agent, or the clerk in the notaire's office) through a power of attorney ("signer par procuration"). This document is normally signed in front of the notaire, or in some instances, a notary public in your home country (but you should check ahead to what extent this procedure will be accepted in France).
At least 48 hours before signing, you will have to wire the remaining sum, including the notaire's fees, into the notaire's trust account. In case of a mortgage, the lender will transfer the funds.
Once both parties have signed the deed of sale, it is signed by the notaire, and the seller hands the keys to the buyer. The notaire should give you a certificate of purchase ("attestation"), which you will need to connect public utilities to your residence, including electricity, gas, and telephone. You will now be considered the official owner.
The notaire will send the documents for registration, which can take two to three months. Afterwards, the notaire will mail you a copy of the deed of sale with a detailed receipt for all fees and costs, and a check for a refund if there was an overpayment. If you ever need to obtain a copy of the deed of sale, you will need to inquire with the French land registry.
This article is intended for informational purposes only and not for the purpose of providing legal advice. You should contact your attorney to obtain advice with respect to any particular issue or problem.